Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Daddy, chase the monsters away...

Michael is at the age where he's learning what fear is and everything he sees leaves a certain impression in his mind. Now, he's convinced that there is a monster living upstairs in his room. Ralph and I told him multiple times that there is no monster and we have checked the closet and under the bed but Michael is still sceptical. We now tell him that Daddy chased the monsters away and the monsters are now on vacation. Tonight before going to bed, Michael turned to his father with the sweetest scared face and said " Daddy chase monsters away? Monster on macation?" Too cute. Daddy gave him huge hugs and told him that the monster was indeed on macation. Hooray for Daddy, our Hero!


Anonymous said...

Daddy to the rescue, it seems Iam the local official Exterminator of monsters on macation, ants,that will nibble on Michael's toes spiders that crawl on his arms and anything else that may scare my little one. It has to be the best job in the world; to be able to open your arms and feel that you are the one that can make it all better and the trust that when he reaches my grasp nothing can hurt him. Its wondeful to be a Daddy!

Addie said...

Too cute! Nate has recently been talking alot about monsters too. They haven't actually come in the house yet but he thinks he sees them by the side of the road. We just tell him that they can't get the car because it goes to fast. I hope your monsters don't take a macation to our house!